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…The holiday coming up
and will bring us horror!
31 October of every year we celebrate this holiday on All Hallows Eve. It is a modern holiday that dates back to traditions the Ireland's and Scotland's Celts. This holiday was celebrated in the territory of modern countries of United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. The pumpkin lamp or the Jack O' Lantern is a leading symbol of the holiday. It has been said that such fruit that was left outside the house on All Saints' Day it will be ward off evil spirits and the like. At this time, we are using the Jack O' Lantern as a decoration it is the main guest to the Halloween party. On the eve of Halloween, we shop and choose new outfit of some sinister hero from books or movies. It's my favorite day in the year. I really feel like the lead actress in a horror movie☺ Zombies, ghosts, vampires and the like walk in the streets☺ I think when we were children, each of us have loved this holiday. A lot of kids these days like to dress up and go trick-or-treating. On that day, it’s like the world is changing. Everything just looks so fantastic, it is not like usually day. People decorate their houses some people are having a party. We can hear the sound of laughter and fun from everywhere. On that day you always want to bring your friends together and enjoy it. You know, holidays bring people closer together.
So you need to get everybody together and enjoy it with your friends😜. Now take my scary history for Halloween...
So did this story happen with my cousin's friend, her name's Sasha:
“I and my husband go into the forest to look for mushrooms a lot. This morning, we got to go to the forest again. We came in the place that we know, we parked our car and then we went in the woods. It was warm and birds sang. I was walking in the woods and picking mushrooms my husband was walking not far from me. I know these places pretty well and I couldn't lose my way. Empty road... and suddenly I saw -  someone was sitting there he was wearing cloak in a clearing. It was a man of around 70 was leaning against a tree. I decided to go around him but he said,
"- Lady, you go this way. When you walk over the ravine there will be a lot of mushrooms. Well, I took advice from him and I don't know why. Although that he didn't have a basket in his hands. I managed to proceed a nine feet when I looked back but no one was there. Then I started to walk in that direction stranger had showed me. There was the ravine. I walked over the ravine and I saw a lot of mushrooms, it was true. Suddenly, I smelled something was rotten and sweet. But continued to pick mushrooms. The smell has not stopped me. Suddenly I saw the big tree near it, there is an another tree that was lying on the ground and next to it a lot of mushrooms! There were so many, I could not have picked them. But it scent was getting stronger. I called my husband.
I went around the tree and saw the seated occupant that leaned against the tree, he had his coat on. I didn't know this man was dead. By the time I figured it out, I let out a scream my husband came to me. As we now realize, where it bad smell came from, I didn't know the smell of the dead man before. A basket of mushroom was there, they were rotten, of course...
We ran to our car and I told my husband about the stranger. He gave me a really weird look but said nothing. Then we called the police. In the end our police officer told us that this man is villager he was living within 20 miles of our town. He was reported missing two weeks ago. He went into the woods and never came back. It was only then I realized the dead man told me to be there, I think he wanted me to find his body. I don't want to go out to look for mushrooms anymore..."

happy halloween

Happy Halloween!😱😱😱😲😵😵😵😆


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