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The Smell Of The Baked Potato


...This scent

That excellent taste...
I was lying on the bed and suddenly I smelled of the baked potato. That smell reminded me a trip to the mountains. I remembered how I woke up early morning in the Mountains, someone was cooking on a fire something. That smell of a bonfire, a smolder of wood. It's could never be confused with nothing. The smell of a bonfire has a lot of warmth and home. I like the baked potato under ashes.
Once I with my friends built the campfire and baked potatoes by the sea. We all were sitting around a fire someone was playing the guitar. We had a very bright bonfire. It was the night but everything around it was orange-yellow color. I was sitting on a rock and look at the stars. There were so many of them! The starry sky looks especially beautiful in the Mountains. These bright million stars... That night was actually one of the best nights in my life. I can still remember everything about that night. At that night the potato was really amazing. It had the tasty...

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