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The Grudge


…The Pain, The Rain, The Night

And I’m going to fight…
The grudge it's a fierce, heavy feeling, It looks like thousands of small fragments inside of you. These fragments are cutting your heart. So...Night, it's raining and I'm walking in the street. I think, why people hurt each other, why? When you're upset with someone, it makes you feel nothing. It is particularly painful, if someone you love is hurt you. Someone that you believe, he hurts you by twice as much as other people. I know what it's like to be hurt by someone. Every hurt have left scars my heart. Everyone felt that pain at least once in their lives. I think that everyone had hurt someone in life, it will feel what it's like in future. It's the circle of life, all the wrong is returned. I believe in karma. Everyone should be more supportive of our world, then the same returns for you. I know many people, they are unhappy because of their spite. They don't understand that their spite, grudge burn them in the flames. Please be kind...

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