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Do We Really Need Eternal Life?


...Through time, through the years
We are like a river...
Everyone says, "If I had more time I would have done more." What I would do then? And here is where you start to wonder, what if we could live forever? Some would say, "I would like to go around the world, to visit every country, to learn every culture." Somebody else would say, "I would like to learn every language in the world." I don't know, how I would have spent my eternity. A lot of things come into my head. I think what I would have taken a trip maybe would have opened an animal-rights group or I would have built a hospital in one of the countries in the third world. In my head is not articulated plan. I think when you have eternity, you will spend the first half of this eternity for thinking about what you will do with it))) I think when you have "everything" the point is lost. We just stop to value the time. The time is especially valuable. Every minute is expensive. Every moment in life has a special point. Every moment in life has a special point from the time of it's conception and until the last minute. Actually, no one knows when the last minute comes, it's the big twist))) The point is not how many you can do in your life. The main thing is to do something amazing! If you think about it, will be the question: "Do we really need eternal life?"

How would you have spent your eternity?
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