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Whatever Sliver Of a Memory


...Our memory is made 

little sliver of the memories...
Why do we love the old stuff? Everyone has some old item at home that we keep. No matter how much time passes by, the item is especially dear to our heart as before. I have clothes, jewelry, photos, board games I keep at home. I think If there's a fire I will run to get these things, first thing. Each of these items keeps the particle of happy moment in life. Like every item has the soul. Opening the photograph album, it's like you are living your life over again, starting from the first your photos in life. It's like you are starting over. I have bad memories a lot and these items are a living reminder
that I had happy moments also. Every old item it's like a fragment of stained glass and If you combine all the fragments together, you can end up with a whole stained glass, that is, we get series of happiness. Every person should have happy memories as life is full of negative moments and problem. In desperate situations or frustration, you take some old item and it is your personal anchor, it's look like little escape. You must never forget that life shouldn't be all bad moments and you can have anything you want. If my old item has broken or crashed, I was very sad it like a fragment of my memory has crashed with it. It is therefore very important to keep your right old things very carefully. Then you can take one of these things in any time and you can remember how many happy moments you had and it will be in future!

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