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The Dark


…A darkness in the soul, a darkness in reality

And in this darkness I 'm calling you…
In the darkness was born a life, all life ends in death, death becomes the darkness. The darkness is different. Every darkness has a tiny little ray of light. No matter it's night or someone's soul, the darkness is everywhere. A darkness in the soul is like a wide abyss, and when you fall in her, you're just flying to nowhere. Getting in this abyss it's like you're frozen, the minutes and the hours have lost count. You're just sitting like a rock there, and you don't understand where you are, on a chair or at the bottom of the chasm. There's a dark place inside everyone. Someone has the darkness in thought, someone has the darkness in his soul, someone just lives in it. At night when you are walking somewhere in the dark, you only see the stars, the moon is lighting your way. In that darkness a lot of thoughts are born about where am I going, what am I doing, what is the point? And I only know one answer, it all started with a darkness, all will end in darkness and our way in life…


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