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The Birds

birds in the sky

…When I look at the sky, I want to fly

Like a bird to fly away…
Looking out the window at the gray sky, I think about how great it would be to stand on the edge of the window, push off and take off. As if you were a bird in flight. I want to feel the air, the wind at high altitude. There you'll be free, you won't have any problems. I just want to fly over the tree crown and above the roofs. I wish to fly over the seas and oceans. Just even to think about it makes me very excited. She makes me look out the open window for hours, so I don't see anything. When I look at the birds flying in the sky I think, why can they fly and I'm not? You flapped your wings and flew, to fly it so easy. Unfortunately, I haven't the wings. I simply had to sit and to watch them from a distance. It makes me sad to understand that the window is open in front of me, but I am prisoner
in my world, in my soul.


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